Lines. Subway. 4:00 pm. by Evan Zes

Lines. Subway. Rent Control. A new play by Evan Zes premiering at FringeNYC August 2016.

The subways are filled with lunatics. So, what’s one more? I hate it when people say, how do you learn all those lines. Learning lines is a terrific pain in the ass. The only way to learn them is to say them over and over. I like to learn them on the subway. Sometimes people look at me like I’m crazy. Sometimes I fit right in. 

Ride the N Train here.

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Written here. by Evan Zes

Here’s where everything went down – the scene of the crime, if you will. Well, at first I thought it was a crime, then I thought it wasn’t, and now I’m not so sure. You be the judge. 

I wandered these streets for fifteen years, feeling like a ghost. I was always dehydrated and sleep deprived. Trucks would thunder down 2nd Avenue all night, bouncing on potholes, while dynamite exploded for the construction of the 2nd Avenue subway. All the while my upstairs neighbors sounded like they were playing wheelchair basketball. To sleep I had to blast white noise and lay my head next to a loud floor fan. I tried wearing earplugs, but they would stab my brain...

But I LOVED my apartment.

You can check out the neighborhood here.

Tickets are available now at